This Saturday it was back to wedding mode for us. We drove to Walhalla for Megan and Mitchel's weddings at College Street Baptist Church. I have to say that it was a great day and nothing could have been more perfect!
Megan's gorgeous dress!
The groomsmen's ties were already tied and laid out for them.

The family cameo ring worn by the bride.

The rings on the pillow.

While I was inside getting shots of the girls getting ready, Marty headed outside at the perfect time to get this shot of the sun over church steeple.

Helping Megan get her dress on.

Megan told me originally there wasn't going to be flowers in the window, but they had these flowers at the rehearsal dinner the night before and decided to bring them and use them!

Now, it's a little game between me and Marty.....he ALWAYS finds things I don't see having to do with the wedding. Most of the time it's a church calendar with the names written on the day of the wedding or something similar....well, he couldn't find one Saturday. There were several calendars but nothing written on them! HA! I think I got him this week....look what I found on the counter in the women's restroom!!!! A cute little basket filled with all kinds of handy items and snacks in case anyone needed anything - how neat!

Now I have to admit, this was the first wedding I have ever seen this done at and I absolutely loved it. To begin the ceremony, this little girl ran down the aisle, across the front of the church and up the other aisle with bunches of bells on her ankles. She knew exactly what to do and it was too cute! Marty got this shot as she headed up the aisle towards him.

Megan and her daddy walking down the aisle - this time everyone remained seated at the request of the bride so she could see her man!!!!!

I snuck up to the balcony for a few quick shots. I didn't stay up there long - it was full of guests and I didn't want to get in their way!

These two were all smiles during the service!

And on their way out the door.

And it's a good thing the little girl with the bells on had to run around before the the end of it she was passed out in her daddy's lap!

I followed the newlyweds outside and grabbed this shot - definitely one of my very favorites of the day!

Now before the ceremony someone had a laptop out and was talking to it. It took me a few seconds to realize why in the world she was talking to her computer. Well, she had a microphone and a webcam attached to it. They were going to stream the wedding to a close friend of the family in Zambia, Africa. Afterwards, Megan and Mitchel stopped to say hello before we started formal portraits.

Megan only wanted a few shots inside the church. She wanted to do the other part of them at the Visitors Center across from Table Rock State Park. Although the weather was 99 degrees you can't beat the beautiful backdrop of the lake!

Just Megan and her girls!

We got some of the bride and groom alone. As I was shooting, Marty noticed this butterfly on Megan's bouquet.


A quick kiss and off to their reception!

The very yummy cake - and the very unique stand it is on....fits the Lodge perfectly!

The rings!

The first dance!

The cake cutting was very sweet! They were both so nice to one another!

I found this cute little guy playing behind one of the rocking chairs.

Megan with a baby on each hip!!!!

Marty snuck downstairs and got a shot of the photo centerpieces on the tables.

I quickly grabbed these two for one more shot in the rocking chair before they ran away!

I think that has to be the biggest pair of panties I've ever seen!

Dodging birdseed is always fun - and sometimes painful!!

Megan and Mitchel - we enjoyed spending your wedding day with you! Everything flowed so smoothly and was just perfect! We hope you have a great time in Barbados!!!!
Ceremony Location -
College Street Baptist ChurchReception Location -
The Lodge at Table Rock State ParkFlorist - Honey Tree
Cake - Brian & Rebecca Daniel
Dresses -
The Bridal & Formal Shoppe of PendletonTuxes -
S&K MenswearWatch Megan & Mitchel's slideshow below.
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