I've been a little under the weather the past few days (pollen season has finally caught up with me) so this blog post is a little later than I would like for it to be. Anyway, with the threat of rain on Thursday I was afraid we weren't going to be able to get this session in, however we were lucky enough that the rain held off until after we were done! I met Emmie, Walker and their mom at my favorite place in Greer!!!! I felt really bad because the grass was really high but no one seemed to mind walking through it, which I was sooo thankful for! With it being an overcast, cloudy day, the light was perfect! It is really great when you have such great lighting and two cute kids to work with! Okay - so this blog stuff is getting hard to do - recently I've so many favorites from my sessions it's hard to narrow them down and pick ones for the blog. Again, there's a lot of these!!!! Here's Miss Emmie and some of the flowers that were bloomed out in the field.

Although several dandelions were in full bloom, I was glad that we walked around some and found some fun dandelion clocks for the kids to blow.
I love these were you can actually see the seeds blowing in the air!

And yes, some even blew right back in Emmie's face.

Walker tried his best to blow them, but ending up telling me to do it!

We then went over to the small dock on the pond. We had to be very careful here - Walker kept saying he wanted to jump in the water and float.....he also wanted to go back home to get his diving stuff and come back! I think I ran to grab his arm more than once - LOL!

I definitely think this is my favorite one of the two of them together!

And a quick hug can't hurt!

Walker picked up this daisy when we first got in the field. I don't think he forgot about it the entire time we were there!

Emmie looks so grown up!

She did a great job for me!

I think Walker is just too cute!!!!!

I love the flowers and the tall grass!

Okay, so I don't give a whole lot of instructions to the moms during my sessions, but I was so glad that Chanda stood back for a while and let me and Walker have about 5 or 10 minutes to ourselves. I was trying to figure out a way to get Walkers attention in order to get some good shots of him. Emmie was trying to scare him and tell him that a moose was coming - lucky for me it worked to my advantage. I told Walker if we sat down in the grass we could hide and that the moose wouldn't be able to see us. Believe it or not, that worked - he actually sat down for me. So, sitting there in the tall grass, he talked constantly.....he played with a piece of grass telling me he was making me a fishing rod so we could go fishing and catch some fish....but not big fish - little fish! He was too cute. It's moments like this that make me really appreciate my job! Yes, I was sitting in the middle of a tall, grassy field chatting with a two-year-old in order to get the shots (and smiles) that I wanted.....but it was all worth it!!!!

I have to warn Walker's mom - she better watch out - those blue eyes of his are definitely going to be attracting some pretty girls!!!!

And one last one of Emmie - a little bit of a serious look!

Chanda, it was great meeting you, Emmie and Walker! I had fun playing with them and hope you all didn't mind the tall grass!!!! Thanks so much for being troopers - I definitely think it was well worth it!!!!
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