Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Parker's Birthday Party

On Sunday I had the opportunity to celebrate Parker's 4th birthday party with him and his friends. It was a hot day, but the kids enjoyed the water slide at the party....I'm sure they all rested really well Sunday night when they got home!
Here's the birthday boy himself taking his turn!
If the kids weren't playing on the slide...they were on the playground!And last but not least - the cake! A Taste of Heaven did a marvelous job on Parker's cake. This thing was huge and tasted, well, heavenly! :0)Happy Birthday Parker!!!!!

Kerrie's Bridal Portraits

Now since Kerrie's wedding day has come and gone, I can now post my favorites from her bridal session. Here they are!

Monday, June 25, 2007

Kerrie & Jerry

Saturday Marty and I went to Spartanburg for Kerrie and Jerry's wedding. Kerrie and I met while taking a basic photography course together and have kept in contact since then! I was really excited when she asked me to shoot her wedding. Although the temperature was close to 100 degrees on Saturday, the weather was beautiful! Here's a shot of the church before Kerrie and her girls got there. A quick shot of her shoes....
Jerry's dad helping him straighten his tie before the ceremony.
And here they are....Jerry finally gets to see how stunning Kerrie looked!
After the ceremony I got the newly wed couple alone for a few portraits together.
I loved the windows in the church.
Kerrie and Jerry sharing their first dance.
And of course a few of the groomsmen had to share a dance too!
The cake was beautiful and once I had a chance to sit down and take a quick bite I found out that it tasted just as good as it looked!
I thought their glasses were cute! A shot of their beautiful rings with some of the flowers! I love the calla lilies!!!!
Kerrie had custom printed M&Ms for their favors. What woman doesn't love chocolate!!! I wish I would have had this at my wedding! What more helpful, but a money tree to help with the honeymoon!!!!
Okay, so I had to be prepared for not one, but two surprises that Jerry had up his sleeve and Kerrie has the best expressions on her face for both of them! The first was when Jerry was removing the garter from her leg...with her dad hovering over, Jerry pulls out a chastity belt!

Then it was time for the couple to get away and get the honeymoon started. Kerrie was walking out to Jerry's truck only to be greeted by a sweet, shiny black corvette. Boy was she surprised! Jerry had arranged for them to leave their reception in a ride that Kerrie knew nothing about!The wedding was beautiful and I think everyone had a great time! I hope these two are enjoying themselves on their honeymoon!!!!

Friday, June 22, 2007


Yesterday I met Joye for her bridal portraits. We started out at Milliken and then moved to downtown Spartanburg for a few more. I wish I could show you my favorites, but I can't until after their big day so for now, this is all you get to see!
I must say that Joye looked amazing! Her dress is stunning on her and her makeup and hair were fabulous! I can't wait for Josh to see her in that dress!

Melissa & John

I met Melissa & John on the campus of Wofford College for their engagement session. I have to say I was a little excited having the opportunity to shoot in a new place. I had to make John give up what I think was 2 cell phones and a pager - I've never had to take away that much from a guy before! We started out their session in front of this cool water sculpture.

And since John is a fireman, we had to get a fire hydrant involved!
Then we walked over to the Main Building - yep that's what it's called - for some shots there.I think Melissa and John look so cute in this shot.
Still in front of the Main Building!
Then we drove over to the Liberty Trail area. That area was really nice!
Then we headed down past the baseball field to the railroad tracks. There were several train cars parked on the tracks when I first rode by, but when we got there, only 2 remained. I'm just glad no one got hit by a moving train!
And one more - this one with a little graffiti!!!
Melissa it was great to see you guys again! September will be here before you know it - I'm looking forward to your big day!!!

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Happy Father's Day!

Althought I didn't spend it with my daddy - we have plans for Tuesday - I did get to spend the afternoon at my papa's house. I had the opportunity to play with a new toy I received on Friday......a new lens....yep it's a fisheye! These are not shots that I would typically shot with this lens, but I thought they were really hilarious so I have to share them.

Here's the funny-faced tree in my papa's backyard....

My mama's windchime....

And of course my papa.....

I hope all of you father's had a wonderful Father's Day today!


So how do you get five kids to look at you all at the same time and smile??? You get them to say TREAT!!! Bribery works wonders sometimes!

Marty and I meet Telesa out at the Rock Quarry last Sunday to get some photos of all the kids together. I must say the moms were great!!! There were wardrobe changes taking place before I could turn around!!!!

Here's the first group shot....

And the second group shot....this one is too cute!And then one of my favorite individual shots....isn't she adorable???
They even brought along this beautiful rocking chair to use too!
Another wardrobe change into some red, white, and blue!!!!The kids got to play in the water a little while we waited on everyone to get dressed and ready to go!
And some older ones were a little bored...
After we were done, the boys decided to actually get in the water....here's little Matthew...
And then Zack had to go all the way under!!!!

It was great meeting everyone Telesa! I hope everyone is doing good and you all have a great summer!!!

Friday, June 15, 2007

Joye & Josh

Sunday before last I met Joye & Josh at Miliken for their engagement session. I wish I could say I am going to shoot their upcoming wedding - they are traveling to Antigua to get married. I'm soo jealous!!!!

We started out under the row of there trees that I absolutely love...
Then we took a few shots around this fountain - I am beginning to wonder if this fountain ever works...it's never on when I'm there.

After the fountain, we went out to the field around one of the lakes.

It was very hot out there and there seemed to be a lot of bugs. I kept having to wait on Joye & Josh to swat the gnats away!!!! But, it gave them a few laughs!!!!

We walked around to the other side of the building which I have never been on and did a few fun shots there.

There's this really cool rock in the middle of one of the ponds there. I thought it was neat!

Even though the grass was a little damp, these two didn't mind laying down in it for me!!!!

Last but not least, one more kissing shot under the trees!!!

It was great seeing you again Joye and meeting Josh!!! Congratulations on your engagement!!!!

I am looking forward to your bridal portrait next week!!!