Sunday, November 02, 2008

The Walker Family

I've said many times how it's great that I have the opportunity to photograph friends that I went to school with. Well, I had that opportunity again on Friday. Marty and I met Shanna and her family at Reedy River Falls Park for a family session and to get some of Corrie by herself. I can't believe it's been so long since I've seen Shanna - we've known each other since our days at Rilla Rin before we even started kindergarden. Shanna and her family have just recently moved from Charleston to Nashville, TN and it was funny when she joined Facebook we realized that her and her husband are good friends with a good friend of mine who was one of my college roommate - small world!

Okay, so enough rambling - here are my favorites from their session!

Corrie in her precious little dress!
Why isn't anyone following her?

Those blue eyes - Shanna, you and Kevin better watch out!
The whole family!
I've also said that 18-month-olds can be one of the hardest ages to photograph - but also one of the most fun. Corrie was no exception - her independent walking, never wanting to sit down at all!
Corrie and her daddy!
I love the look on her face here - she looks so proud!
Picking some flowers....
Can't leave mommy out!
And since it was Halloween, we could leave without getting some shots of Corrie in her Halloween costume! I think she's the cutest little bumblebee ever!
Shanna it was so great seeing you, your mom and meeting Kevin and Corrie! Corrie is beautiful and reminds me so much of you when we were younger. I hope you all have a great weekend and a safe trip home! Please keep in touch and let me know when you're in town again - maybe we can do lunch or something!!!!

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