Monday, September 24, 2007

Baby Caroline

Baby Caroline came by Friday for her newborn session. Caroline's session was originally scheduled for November, but she decided she wanted to meet everyone a little early. I had such a hard time narrowing down my favorites - there are so many of them!At the beginning of our session Caroline was wide awake.
However, it didn't take long for those eyes to get heavy. She was fighting it though!
She finally dozed off for a little bit.

I told you I had a lot of favorites! Okay, two more!

It was great to meet Baby Caroline and her mom! She is just too precious!


Anonymous said...

Little Caroline's pictures are so sweet and cute. Good luck to Heidi trying to decide which to use for her announcement.

The Pettigrew's said...

I love these pictures!!! Great Job. Heidi I love the last one its my favorite then her hand under her chin is very cute.