Saturday, May 05, 2007

A very special visit

Today I had a very special visit from my friend Alicia and her son Xavier. They drove up from Columbia to spend a little time with me today. We ate lunch and were hoping to take Xavier out to the park to do some pictures, but with all the rain, we stayed inside. I don't think Xavier minded - he had fun playing and exploring a new place today! I absolutely love his expression!
Not sure if he was trying to get me to smell his feet or what here, but I got a smile from him!
He is just soo cute that I had to post several images!
After the rocking chair, we put Xavier in the wash tub! At first we got the results of a day without a nap, but once he got a snack, he was good to go!
Mom was being silly or at least Xavier thought so!
Even though it rained all day I am really glad Alicia and her little man came to visit me! Thank you so much for coming to spend some time with me - I enjoyed our day together and can't wait to see you two again!

And, before I forget - Happy (early) Birthday Alicia! A week from today she joins the rest of us in finally turning the big 30!!!!! :0)


Curtis, Alicia and Xavier Brown said...

Thanks Mandy! The pictures are too cute! I had a lot of fun watching you work, especially with a busy and sometimes crazy little subject! :)

Anonymous said...


Alicia had told me what a great photographer you are. and she was so right....amazing pictures....what a talent you have. I'm so glad you & Alicia & Xavier got together....he's a doll baby and you captured that on film. Now, tell me, how do I get some of those fantastic pictures?

God bless you,
Ms. Davis