Wednesday, November 19, 2008

The Howell Family

Monday I met the Ashley, Greg and Stella for a family session. Stella was tired, but we were able to get a few smiles out of her! Here are my favorites from their session....

She laughed at her daddy!
Her little dress was adorable!
A little help from mommy and daddy!
There's that grin again!
One more with all three of them!
Then we tried to get some of Stella by herself! She wasn't crazy about the idea....we attempted bribbing her with a sucker (her first actually!).....sometimes a sucker just doesn't do the trick....
...then again on second thought....and a little help from all three of us trying to get her to smile! LOL!
I think the sucker pics are just too cute!
And I can't forget those big blue eyes!!!! Ashley it was great meeting the rest of your family! Stella is beautiful and I love her eyes!!!!

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