Thursday, June 12, 2008

Baby Cohen

Kelly brought Mr. Cohen by here on Monday. It was great to finally meet him and I couldn't have asked for a better baby! Just look at those blue eyes...
and those tiny feet!
His little chin is so cute!
Some shots with mom...

I think we wore him out just a little bit....
The same ribbon that was used in Kelly's maternity session.
After a quick cat nap, Cohen open his eyes for a little while longer!
He looks like he's thinking in this one.
Concentrating hard on something.
Maybe with that fist he's making he was thinking about beating me up for taking his picture! LOL.
I love funny faces....they are so cute!
Then a serious one.
And one last one with the blanket that Kelly's mom made for him.
Kelly it was great to see you again and meet Cohen! He is such cute baby! I know you and Andy will enjoy every minute of being parents!!!!

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