Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Steve Brown

Although I don't post a lot of personal things on here I did want to share one collage I did in honor of a very special man. Steve, one of my driver's at work, was diagnosed with cancer a while back. He has gone through his ups and downs, being out of work for short periods of time, but not matter what, he never gave up the fight. He was so determined to get better and be back on the road. Unfortunately, God had other plans for Steve.

I wasn't sure whether or not to take my camera to his funeral. I was very hesitant - not wanting to upset the family, but I did want to remember to day and honor Steve in a way that I knew I could. So, trying to stay as inconspicuous as possible, my camera went with me. In the end, I'm so glad I took it. The collage I made is a reflection of who Steve was and I know that he would like it.

Here are just a few more of my favorites from Steve's funeral.

I hope that Ann and the rest of Steve's family find peace in dealing with such a great loss. He will certainly be missed!

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